Notice to Bidders Posting Service

Publishing Requirements

A Notice to Bidders must be “posted” in three separate online sources at least once. The postings must occur not less than 13 days and not more than 45 days before the date for the bid letting.

The three required online postings are:

1. In a relevant contractor plan room service with statewide circulation;

2. A relevant construction lead generating service with statewide circulation; and

3. On your school district, AEA or community college website OR on a website sponsored by a statewide association that represents you as the governmental entity.

Provisions 1 and 2: To assist with the first two requirements, Master Builders of Iowa is providing IASB® members free access to the Construction Update Network, a subscription-based project information provider for contractors and the bidding community. This program meets the definition of both 1. a relevant contractor plan room, and 2. a lead generating service. When a bid letting date has been established and a Notice to Bidders must be issued, send the contents of your Notice to Bidders to MBI’s Construction Update Network by email at

Provision 3: To comply with the third required posting, the Notice to Bidders will need to be posted on your school district, AEA or community college’s website OR members can use IASB’s website if you are for any reason unable to post to your own website.


Members must log in to submit your organization's bid notice above. In the right side menu, select View Bid Notices to view all current projects. If you have questions on the process, or help logging in, please email Marte Brightman.

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