Serving on the Board of Directors

The Iowa Association of School Boards is governed by a 17-member Board of Directors, which includes officers as well as regional directors from nine Director Districts and representatives from Iowa area education agencies and community colleges. Directors serve three-year terms. The IASB President-elect is elected by the Delegate Assembly for a two-year term.

Candidates Sought for Open Officer Positions

Nominations for IASB president-elect and IASB treasurer are open to any member of a local school board in good membership standing with IASB. Both of these positions have a two-year term which will begin in January 2025. Nominees do not have to be a current member of the IASB Board of Directors.

As officers for the association, both positions require the ability to serve as a spokesperson and advocate for IASB, local governance and public education; and a time commitment to statewide leadership, including the ability to serve on related boards and committees. In addition, the treasurer position requires demonstrated experience in budgeting, financial statement analysis and financial planning.

To be considered, interested candidates must submit an Officer Candidate Data Sheet by July 1, 2024. The forms may be downloaded below.

The timeline for selection of the president-elect and treasurer are listed below:

  • July 1, 2024: Nominations due. Submit candidate forms to IASB office.
  • Summer 2024: Interviews to be scheduled with Nominating Committees. The Nominating Committees are comprised of three members of the IASB Board of Directors.
  • September 18-19, 2024: Nominating Committee recommendation for President-elect presented to IASB Board of Directors in preparation for submission to Delegate Assembly. Nominating Committee recommendation for Treasurer presented to IASB Board of Directors for approval.
  • November 20, 2024: President-elect nomination brought before the Delegate Assembly.
  • January 2025: Terms begin.

For more information, please contact Stephanie Rousseau.

Role & Responsibility of the IASB Board of Directors

Current IASB Board of Directors

Role and Responsibility of the Board

Nomination/Election Procedures for IASB District Director

Time Commitment: Upcoming Meeting Dates⁠—2024

Time Commitment: Upcoming Meeting Dates—2025

IASB Director Districts

Under the IASB Bylaws, members are organized into regions called Director Districts. This structure supports both representative governance and networking. 

List of School Districts by IASB Director District

Map Detail

Color coded map of Iowa Director Districts




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