Teacher Workforce 

We believe that a high-quality teacher workforce is necessary for student achievement. We call for improvements in state policy to provide teacher leadership and development programs, high-quality teacher preparation programs, and recruitment and retention incentives. 

Pro-Tip: Talking points are an explanation of the problem and the broad public policy that could be the solution. Talking points can be expanded upon by using your district's stories and data.

Legislative asks are the specific policy proposals we think the legislature should enact to make progress toward solving an issue.

Teacher Recruitment

Talking Points

  • Iowa is facing a critical shortage of teachers, a key component for student success. We need to increase the pipeline of new students entering teacher preparation programs in addition to reducing barriers to entering the teaching profession.
  • We must ensure that students entering teacher preparation programs become licensed teachers in Iowa. The data shows that many students fail to complete their student teaching experience because of the additional financial burden. And student loan debt can be a limiting factor for those educated to become teachers. 
  • Quality alternative teacher licensure programs provide an avenue for those seeking a career change to enter the teaching profession. Any alternative licensure program must ensure in-classroom experiences, research-based pedagogy, and the appropriate content knowledge without sacrificing the rigor and quality of teacher preparation programs. 


Legislative Asks

  • Provide funds to recruit more students into the teaching profession through grants to educator preparation students while completing their degree. 

  • Increase support for the 2+2 elementary education degree program, which allows students to earn a two-year degree at a community college and then complete the required classes to earn a teaching degree online through the University of Northern Iowa (UNI). Additionally, provide more support for the accelerated, online program for paraeducators to become a licensed elementary and/or special education teacher at UNI. 

  • Establish a stipend program to offset the financial cost of completing the student teaching requirement. 

  • Provide more flexibility and increase the number of awards through the Teach Iowa Scholar loan repayment program. 

  • Create an additional alternative pathway for teacher licensure candidates to complete coursework while also teaching under supervision of a mentor teacher. 

Teacher Retention

Talking Points

Districts need additional tools to be competitive in today’s workforce market to ensure that they can recruit, hire and retain a quality teacher workforce. 

Legislative Asks

  • Allow flexibility and provide resources for districts to pay school staff market competitive wages. 

  • Allow the use of the management fund for districts to offer recruitment and retention incentives. 


2023-24 Staff Shortage Data: School Administrators of Iowa (SAI) collected data on open teaching positions, positions without "fully qualified" teachers, the students this shortage impacts, and other challenges school districts are facing with respect to staffing this school year.

Hourly Wages for Paraeducators Survey Results—We anticipate Governor Reynolds proposing an investment in teacher and education staff salaries. IASB distributed a survey to learn more about the current compensation for non-teaching staff in school districts. This is an analysis of the wages reported for paraeducators in districts based on enrollment.

Hourly Wages for Other Education Staff—Based on the data reported from school districts, this is an analysis of the wages for other school staff, not including paraeducators, based on enrollment.

HF 2612: Teacher Salary Minimum Requirements FAQsHF 2612, signed into law on March 27, 2024, establishes increased teacher salary minimums effective July 1, 2024. This guidance document provided by the Iowa Department of Education addresses implementation questions organized by the calculation, use of funds, definition of experience, eligibility and BEDS data used.

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